Customer Reviews information

Over the 28 Years we have been in the retail sector of Yarrawonga we have had visits from probably a Million plus people. We have served thousands of customers but what we haven't done for at least 20 years is put a customer comment section on the website.

Now we cant obviously ask all the customers that have visited us over the years to write reviews but we can ask our online customers. So what we are asking is for you to send a email to with a comment or quote we could use or anything really you might like to say about our service, packaging, website, correspondence etc,etc. If you have something you would like us to improve then please say so also as we value that input just as much

Now we cant publish them all but will select some to put on the website. Any comments we are going to use will be credited to the sender and a notification will be sent.

In Short, please let us your opinions at